
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fire, fire every where

Yes this is California summer. High heat, dry conditions and fires. This year seams like there is more fires than ever before. But I think its just because there is more in the northern half of California, rather than the Southern half. Where I live the closest fire is about a hours drive away. But that puts it quite close to a friends house. Another friend that lives much further north of me has one really close too. Pretty scary. And I am glad its not me.

I suck at blogging. I fully meant to keep this up, but life... you know it just happens. Right now, I'm not working. Job hunting right now is a pain in the butt. Nobody is hiring. I have to much experience to work at fast food and retail (so I have been told). And other places don't have any openings. Money is tight everywhere. Gas prices keep rising, cost of living is increasing. And when will it end? Soon I hope.

My little family has been doing our part. Sense we don't have money to spare, we have been trying to bike more and more. Every little bit helps right? I managed to make a full tank of gas last nearly 3 weeks. And biking as a family makes for some nice family boding time.

Its amazing how much my children have grown over the years. I remember when I was my sons age. The summer before I went to middle school. Excited yet scary. This summer for him, well its packed. He helped run a camp for younger Cub Scouts. The following week he was gone for a week at his own camp. He came back yesterday. Starting tomorrow he helps run VBS. Next weekend is gone on another camping trip. Then we have 4th of July at our lake. From there, July... he has another week long camp, baseball game with camp out and school starting. And he is loving every minute of it. I told him that if he is overwhelmed at any point to just say. We did take one hiking day out already because i think its too much and he agreed. Its so weird to talk with him now. He is getting older and older. Growning some "manly hair" too. lol

Alexandria had her dance recital. She did amazingly well, like usual. She was so pretty all dressed up. She is falling in love with riding her bike all over town and just may be ready to finally give up the training wheels. Now that i got her bike all fixed up! She is blooming and getting so much older as each day passes. The changes are astounding!

Anyways, that is it from our little part of the world. Hopefully i can post some more this week, but no promises. As i do have VBS to run and 2 kids to raise. :) Hope everyone is having a great summer.

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