
Thursday, May 27, 2010


Yes, I write. I write a lot. I like words. I like to talk. And for those that don't know me that well, don't know that I'm back in college again. I am back to trying to finish my BA degree in Business Management, Marketing and PR. I already have my AA in Business Management. So the class I am taking right now is a Psy. class. They have us writing a paper about ourselves. Its our final. So the paper is very importaint. I NEED a good grade on it. I just wish it was on another subject.

I know that a lot of people say writing about one's self is easy to do. I find it difficult. I write about me on my blog, my life, my friends. But its not the whole me. Its not my heart. Its a part but not even my very best friends know that much. No matter how much I talk and write, the heart of me is kept to me. So asking me to open up a part of myself is HARD to do. AND then ask me to anilyze myself on top of Not good. It just asks for trouble to brew up.

So how am I to go about writing my history, present and hopeful future without opening up that part of me to total strangers? I guess that will take creative writing on my part.  A whole lot of editing. Delete key is my friend in this I think. We'll see how it goes. And who knows, it may end up being a blog post up on here. We'll see what the future holds on that account.

xoxo, T

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