Well its done. We are now living at grandmas. Here is how it went.
Wed. I wake up at 5:45am. Get up and start packing up the computer and such. Thought to check my email one last time. Hmm. That is odd. I have no internet. Go to pick up the phone. Even odder, no phone. I set up with ATT that my phone would turn off at 7PM. Yet they shut it off before 6AM! How annoying. Now how am I to know when or IF people are coming by to help with the move. So I then open the front door to see when my grandma was coming with the kids and my Aunt (grandma had testing that am so I had everyone). They show up and grandma leaves. Then the other person living up stairs steps out and I asked to use her phone to call a friend.
So over comes M and with her boys. We leave the boys at my house (2 of the 3) and go to the storage place to make the payment and get the truck. See the place that I'm using offers free first months rent (have to pay the admin fee and ins. fee) and free use of their moving truck as long as you replace the gas you use. Well that just cost me a total of $39 for the whole move.
So we get this truck. Mind you I drive a small Honda Civic. I love my little car. I just zoom around town doing what I need to do. No worries about how long I am or what not. Well not the same in this truck. First problem was trying to figure out which key would make the truck work. Got that figured out and then it was, Can *I* reach the gas pettle. Its a 1993 truck and the gas pettle was in the MIDDLE of the truck. :Sigh: Now that we got all of that figure out. Time to drive. So I have to back up. I'm praying the whole time, please dont let me hit someone/something! Luck for me one of the boys is with me to help me see things. So we get out of the parking spot with out having to hit a thing.
Next is driving down the road. Again its a 1993 moving truck. Like a U-Haul but not. IT HAS NO POWER at all. We are driving down a country road and the FAST it can go is 45 mph. and this sucker is big, long, wide. I finally get to my condo and the next fun part is backing up to park it. NOT FUN! with the aid of 4 people i got it in without hitting anything.
Then its time to unload the condo. Everything is packed so its pretty easy. But up and down the stairs. That is not fun. and heavy belongings, even less than fun! A few hours later, its unloaded. and the truck is full. Only thing left up stairs is the last bit that needs to go to grandmas. That will be the 2ed load.
So 2 of the boys and I go to storage, while the other one with M meet me at storage. We get there (after a fun drive and people thinking they cannot see me driving this HUGE truck!) and start unloading. And it was quite hot. So it took about 1 hour to unload the truck and load storage. Next trip back to the condo to get the garage unloaded and the stuff to grandmas.
That trip of loading up the truck, was pretty much done by me and one of M's oldest sons. And we got it done. took about 1 hour to load, and 45 minutes to unload at 3 stops. And we were finally done.
Went to church that night. And came home to grandmas, set up the computer and put some things away. Then fell asleep.
Thursday I worked on grandmas yard that was really negleted. Was on the local news. And took Boo to Ballet class. Oh and got a job at Boo's school. :) part time to full time some days.
Friday I went and did errans with grandma. And then did a site sale with the boys for Scouts. Now its nearly midnight and we have a sell at 10am. So Its time for some zzz's and I'll be back to more "normal" posting now.
xoxo, T