
Saturday, October 25, 2008

And while I'm at it....

My friend Lisa posted these questions on her blog, you can find it here.
1. Are you solely relying upon the mainstream media for your political information in this election?Nope i dont.
2. Have you personally done your own homework on the candidates?Yes i have done a lot of research on all the candidates
3. Did you find several rumors on any candidates that were untrue by your own searching?Yes there were some that were not true.
4.Did you find several hidden facts on the candidates that the media seems to be hiding/are unwilling to report? Very much so that I was nearly suprised. But then, I thought about how many times MSM says one name over the other and my suprise was gone.
5. Are you voting for your political party simply because you've always followed that party religiously?No. I just now became a reg. Republican. Before that i was independant and before that i was dem. Never have voted my party line.
6. Did you know that a political party isn't a Biblical mandate and that you are free to select another party?yep. i just about always do.
7. Do you feel that the media has their own agenda? yes.
8. If so then why allow yourself to continue to follow their influence? And i dont, so why is there not a question regarding why I dont allow myself to follow their influence.
9. Are you 100% positive that the person you're voting for is who God wants in office? I think so. but who am I to know the mind of God. So after I prayed I sent in my vote for prez.
10. Which candidate do you think Satan DOES NOT want in office?
a. Obama
b. McCain
c. Baldwin
Come to any conclusions? that as long as I stand fast in my belifes that I will be doing better than the next one.

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