
Friday, October 24, 2008

Whew... I'm glad that is over

Well almost. This week has flown by. Its hard to think its friday already. I mean, really where did this week go?

Monday.... well darn i dont remember what happened on monday.. it was so long ago.
tuesday. delt with scout popcorn, and scout meetings. Oh and dance. :) and work.
wednesday was work and church.
thursday was a day of cleaning and running. and dance.
Friday is going to be a day...

Get up and take kids to school. Come home and clean my room, perhaps nap. Work on some scrapbook pages (i promised to get SOMETHING done with that). Kids out of school, run to get one from one school then other side of town for the other. Pick up my darling neice. take austin to the church so he can go to camp. then home to eat.

Its been such a long week that i cannot remember at all what i did this week. lol. Grandma goes to the dr today... i hope her dr is there and they figure out what they will be doing. So that is it for now. I'm sure there is more, but I need some sleep. Oh and i broke 2 toes today. You dont want to know how. Just put it this way, its all Austin's fault.

xoxo, T

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