
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Too. Much. Info.

Do you ever feel like you head will explode due to too much information? How about because you feel so strongly on one subject but there are so much misinformation out there that you can't see straight? I think I'm having one of those nights.

There is so much out there about this election. And I'm tired of it. I'm tired of hearing about it. I'm tired of reading about it. Just plain tired of it.

Then, because I do live in California, our hottest election prop to date is Prop 8. It has got people arrested, students aginst one another, recalls done by student body, damage being done to signs. People say if you vote yes on 8, you hate gay's. People say if you vote no on 8, you hate tradional marriage. Honestly, I could not tell you if the vote no point of view is right. I can tell you those that say if you vote Yes, that you hate gay's is not true. I am one of many that are voting Yes on Prop 8. I do not hate gay's, they are people just like me. I do not agree with their lifestyle and I choses not to force what they do upon my children. I am voting yes on it because I do not think what they chose to do in their lifestyle is okay to be forced upon others. I do not force my lifestyle on anyone, why should anyone else have that right?

You wont hear me much coming out on politics. But on some things I will. Prop 8 is one of them.

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