It's been a year of up's and downs. But I am able to look back to look forward....
Flash back to Jan. I made some goals for 2009... and some of which I did meet. I got us back into our own place. I did put money into savings, but had to spend it to keep a roof over our heads. I worked hard at work and school. I got a better job(s). I think I did good about being a better mother and friend (others will need to weigh in on this). I have been a lot more honest and I have said the word "No" a whole lot more. I'll be posting my 2010 goals sometime soon. Last thing that happen was I thought to dip my toes into the dating world for the first time in years.
In Feb. bills got paid and money came in. I found us our own place!!! And that is pretty much all that really happened that month.
March came with us moving into our own place and me meeting a guy I would think at the time I would date for a very long time. Was it love at first sight? I don't know.... at that moment it might have been lust blind. My baby girl turned 9 years old this month!!!
In April I kicked it off with a harsh look at my life on a little bunny trail and then came back the next day with a re-direction and some good introspect. We spend Easter weekend exploring parts of California. I also voiced my thoughts on the complex I think I have about people not liking me. And then I turned 30 years old.
May came and went very quickly... I had some thoughts on the best laid plans and the boyfriend got me a spa treatment which I used and ended up being allergic to. I did some more introspecting into my life and some looks at my stressor's.
June came with the last year of helping run our local Cub Scout day camp and both of my kids went to camp. Then we had a very action packed week with exploring Big Trees, Silver Lake and Boo's ballet recital.
July came quietly into our lives and then sprang into action. I went on my first mini-vacation without my kids. Austin spent 2 weeks at camp and then the kids went back to school.
Aug. rolled right along with back to school activities and a hike in Yosemite!!! The month ended with me getting sick with H1N1.
When Sept. came along, changes came with it. I was working at our local news paper and got another job working for a local hotel. But I manged to jump the gun a bit and bit off more than i could handle. I became so over tired that everything suffered and it ended with even more changes and choices to make. Yet the plan did not go as most best laid plans.
October came with a break up...and a chance to achieve a life-long dream.
November was a crazy busy month with working every day but 2. I enjoyed every minute of it!
When December hit, I could not believe the year had come and gone. I was left wondering where it went to. And then it hit...hard fact to face that my son will be 14 years old.
That is my year in review. Everything is linked so you can read more details if you so choose. Those reading this on facebook please go to my blog to leave the comments if you have any. I like any feedback.
This coming year with my blog it will be a slight change. A bit more personal, honest and blunt. The true and deep thoughts will come out... and some you may not like and some you may. No matter what I do apprecate any words you do leave.
Good-bye to 2009. Hello to 2010 and all that it will bring!
xoxo, T
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