Yep... so excited... may have jumped the gun a bit. Its been at least 5 years sense I have done graveyard shift reg. And I was always busy. Here at the hotel, I pretty much sit here and do my school work and try very hard to stay awake. There is nothing else to do until about 5 am when I do the night audit and then get the breakfast running.
The first night was okay, I work with another gal so I can learn my job. The second night, cops were here 2 times. Again was working with another person. Did I mention that the hotel is not on the "best" side of town? Yeah its not. Oh and it has a glass door. And I'm all alone here for 8 hours all night long.
Now last night was my 3rd night here. And my first on my own. Shortly after the other gal left, a guy comes in needing to use the phone. He was drunk and driving, had got pulled over (dui check just up the road) and needed to call a buddy to come get the car and him. I was nice and let him use it, then promply locked the door after he was gone. It was totally slow after that till about 530am when a guest dropped off a key to check out. Then was crazy busy because I had to get breakfast going but had no idea how to do it so someone was here to help. Still have no clue how to do it but oh well. I can ask questions. Right? Yes. But will I get answers that will help? Who knows.
Tonight... boy it was a night for the books. And its not even over yet! So far, a guy walks in and checks in to a room. No biggie. Just about 145am a guy calls and is asking about a room with a hot tub. Then is telling me all about his wife's large breasts, down to the size and everything. How he wants her to have their own private room with a hot tub. And it got more and more x-rated from there. I got off the phone with him as quickly and professonally as I could but was/am totally creeped out. Went back to doing my school work and he CALLS BACK AGAIN!!! Dont think he quite relised that he called the same number because he started just like he did before. This time I handled it a bit better and got off the phone with him faster. But, dude.... that is creepy.
So now I have about 4 hours to go, night is half over with. I am staying awake with the aid of my iTunes player with music, pepsi and no-doz. I had 6 hours of broken sleep yesterday. Tomorrow I'm hoping for 6 hours straight sleep. I know my boyfriend will try his best to make sure that happens, but I dont know if my body will allow me to sleep that long in the day time. Have to work here again tomorrow night, and then the paper tomorrow afternoon. Not sure how this is all going to work out, because I am not use to staying up all night long like this. I thought I would be fine.... so far I'm far from it.
Any advice?
xoxo, T
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