
Saturday, August 2, 2008

One week down... how did it go?

Well, the "first" week back to school is done with. How'd it go you ask? oh great! lol

Let see, I had one wisdom tooth extrated (yeah that is why i'm not so "wise" anymore!) on monday, was totally out of gas for the week, and both the kids started school. Boo is going to school around the corner from where we live (like 2 blocks max) and Austin is about 2 miles from here. Its acutally just shy of 2 miles or he could catch a bus.

So this week it was prayerfully met. The tooth pulling went well (see older blog postings to read). I, thankfully, was able to ask kindly for a ride to school each day for Austin from our old Youth Pastor. That family is the best. He walked to our friends house, M, each day with her son, and she would bring him home later in the day.

I still have my car. Until the refund of my student loans come in, I have to be careful with it. They want the rest of the payments now. Its like only $1300 left (mind you i bought it brand new, 20k car). But its still here, and it now has GAS in it. BTW, gas in the town i live is now down to $3.99 a gallon, which the last time i put gas in the car it was $4.59 a gallon!!! We still have our home, for now, however with it now being past August 1, we are 2 months behind in rent.

Alexandria is making friends left and right at school. She learned that her mom does know what she is talking about when spelling words come home. She had a spelling test this week, and spent NO time studying for it. Because "She did not say we have a test this week, Mommy. So I am not studying for it.". Well I was right and she did have one. So she got a 40%. Lesson learned.

So with the new week comeing, which is the 2ed week of school, we need to get some kind of routine going. I was checking out my friends blogs, and read Cherie's (see on my blog roll for her's). And she was talking about getting into one. We need to as well. Now that we know, more or less, how going to and from school shall work, this is what we will be doing... subject to change with events that come up or when i start work (btw please pray that one of the jobs i have applied at our school district i do get! i despertly need work and want work, just nobody is hiring!).

Mondays: Get up at 6am. Get both kids dressed and ready for the day. Drive Austin to school by 7:30am. Get Alexandria to school by 8:15 am at the latest. Come home and work on my schooling and apply for jobs/interview. Austin walk home with V after school. I walk up and pick up Boo from school at 2:30pm and then go pick up Austin. kids to do homework before they are allowed to do anything else.

Tuesdays: Same as Mondays, but add in there Jazz/hip hop class and Boy Scouts right after that. We are usually home by 9pm.

Wednesdays: the only thing different is we have church at 7pm until September. Then church is 6:30pm to 8:30pm. I have choir practice.

Thursdays: same as mondays, but both my Neice Lea, and Boo have ballet back to back classes. We are home about 7:30pm

Fridays are the same as mondays.

Saturday and Sundays are subject to change each weekend. Must do's are Sundays Church.

So that is our routine. Loosely but that is the best we could nail down.

By the way, have you watched "The Last Lecture"? If not, go to and google it. Its by Randy Pousch. He just died on 7/25/08. It is the most amazing lecture i have heard. And one amazing guy. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friend and expecally his children. Randy, Rest In Peace.

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