
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Have you ever been so tired

that you dont know what day it is, what time it is, where you are and how to get home? I'm there. I am so tired I cannot eat anything without it coming back up. I cannot sleep without crying myself to sleep. I cannot even put into words how tired I am because its too much effort. I'm totally shut down. I'm in pure survival mode. Its just enough for me to get one foot in front of the other. I am crying over nothing because my body and mind is screaming at me.

I have to stop. I cannot work both jobs. The value of the paper, pay wise, room for growth and so on... makes it a much better job. The job at the hotel is not. I have more hours, but less pay. I dont get to sleep or see the kids. I dont like being gone all night and they are home alone. It worries me.

So it has got to go. I was going to just hang in there till I can get another p/t job but i dont think i can. i left the bosses a note saying i cannot come back in tonight. Did not leave a reason. But i'm sure the one i talked to yesterday can figure that out. I told him i could not keep doing this. his thing is, okay 4 over nights and one swing. Uh, what part of I CANNOT DO OVERNIGHTS did you not get? :sigh:

The up side of all of this, I can now see when I push myself to far. I know my limit. I just need a 2nd job that is during the am hours, and is at least 10 hours a week at $10 or more an hour and we'll be just fine.

With that I have one hour left here. Then its off to go home. I just texted my friends son to see if she can pick up Austin to take him to school this am. I dont think I should be driving. I wish I did not even have to drive home, I am that tired. I relise this and i will be careful. But its scary when you can see this going on and there is nothing you can do but do what you must.

xoxo, T


Sarah said...

I stumbled across your blog from blogher- I just wanted to encourage you to hang in there!

Theresa said...

Thank you Sarah! I apprecate that.